The next ten investment bubbles

MarketWatch recently published an article called The next 10 investment bubbles by Wallace Witkowski, and I thought this would be a nice follow-up to last week's commentary on the Two-Term…

The next ten investment bubbles

Bubble #1: US Equities: The US bull market is almost five years old and the S&P 500 is up 170% since its March 2009 low. The last 10% correction ended…

The next ten investment bubbles

Bubble #2: Momentum Stocks: Well -- there are definitely a few stocks like Tesla Motors and Facebook, to name a few, that have risen above fundamentals. Over the past year,…


The next ten investment bubbles

Bubble #3: Bitcoin: Some of you may have heard of Bitcoin — an alternative currency not controlled by central banks (which adds to their allure). As you would expect, many,…

The next ten investment bubbles

Bubble #4: Investment Grade Scotch: Wow - who would have thought Scotch whiskey would make the list... but it turns out that investors have significantly increased the price of rare…

The next ten investment bubbles

Okay, I'm going to summarize a few categories now to save time, so here they are.


The next ten investment bubbles

Bubble #5 & 6: Property Values ​​in London and China: Property prices in London are on the up, with prices up 10% in October alone and set to rise further…

The next ten investment bubbles

Similarly, property prices in China rose nearly 11% in October - the fastest rate of growth since June 2011 - reviving fears of a new bubble and prompting the government…

The next ten investment bubbles

Bubble #7: US Farmland: Prime US farmland has seen prices jump 20% over the past year to $8,400 an acre - a sustained steep upward trend since the late 1980's…


The next ten investment bubbles

Bubble #8: Cattle and Beef Futures: Cattle futures have been at an all-time high since November 1984, from just over a dollar a pound earlier in the year to $1.34…

The next ten investment bubbles

Bubble #9: Student Loan Debt: Over the past decade, federal student debt has tripled to more than $1 trillion as of June 2013, with default rates soaring since the 2007…

The next ten investment bubbles

Bubble #10: Tech Startups, IPOs: The market for IPOs has been very bubbly lately with gains of 100% on the first day in some cases. In recent IPOs, Twitter is…


The next ten investment bubbles

So there you have it - 10 potential investment bubbles... which I plan to follow through the end of Obama's term. And while we've identified these ten, I wouldn't be…

The next ten investment bubbles

Steve Pomeranz is a Managing Director of United Capital Financial Advisers, LLC, "United Capital," and owner of On The Money. On The Money is not affiliated with United Capital.

The next ten investment bubbles

Thanks to Steven Pomeranz | #ten investment bubbles