Home Schooling Nine to Twelve Year Olds and Socialization

When a child is homeschooled between the ages of nine and twelve, there is a lot of peer pressure. Keep in mind that not all children experience this pressure to…


Home Schooling Nine to Twelve Year Olds and Socialization

In this tender age of hormones, mixed feelings, changing feelings, group planning is recommended in the curriculum. Preteens prefer learning skills that have a real-life reason or purpose. For example,…

Home Schooling Nine to Twelve Year Olds and Socialization

Remember to always model what you want to teach. Get to know new topics together. Dissect a grasshopper for science, work together on the family budget, etc. Homeschooling allows parents…

Home Schooling Nine to Twelve Year Olds and Socialization

Homeschooling and Socialization:

Home Schooling Nine to Twelve Year Olds and Socialization

When parents talk about homeschooling their children, the most common topic is socialization. Parents are concerned that their children will not learn to adapt to social situations. Unless homeschooling parents…

Home Schooling Nine to Twelve Year Olds and Socialization

Homeschooled children are equally at ease with younger children, their peers and adults of all ages. Children who are homeschooled have daily social interactions with family, the neighborhood, and the…


Home Schooling Nine to Twelve Year Olds and Socialization

The type of socialization experienced in schools is often negative. Large school environments harbor conformity, teasing, bullying, defiant behavior, popularity contests, and competition. No wonder homeschooled children have higher self-esteem;…

Home Schooling Nine to Twelve Year Olds and Socialization

Children who are homeschooled learn to listen to their own instincts and use them to make their own decisions. Adjusting to a peer social group that does not value individuality…

Home Schooling Nine to Twelve Year Olds and Socialization

Thanks to Brian MC