Codependency is more than a relationship problem. It hurts our psyche and individual development. make no mistake It is not our fault. The wounds of codependency are adaptive and have…
2. Attend Codependents Anonymous meetings and work with a sponsor.
3. Reacquaint yourself with your feelings and needs. This can be a difficult process. Feelings live in the body. Notice subtle changes in your posture, gestures, and moods and feelings,…
4. Explore triggers that change your mood and feelings and the beliefs, thoughts, and memories associated with them.
5. Do the exercises in Codependency for Dummies and Conquering Shame to speed up this process.
6. Challenge your beliefs. See Deprogramming Codependent Brainwashing.
7. Write down negative self-talk and confront it. Use the 10 Steps to Self-Esteem e-workbook to challenge your beliefs and inner critics.
8. Experiment, play and try new things.© DarleneLancer 2020
Thanks to Darlene Lancer | #Healing #psychological #wounds #codependency