Audio Recorder Zoom H4n Review

General design: The way the Zoom H4n looks and feels when you hold it in your hands is that of a solid recorder, a professional audio recorder built to last. Compared to its predecessors, it’s a huge improvement over the H2’s cheap plastic construction. Compared to the design of other higher priced recorders like the … Read more

Who is Zoomin’ Who?

Last week I prepared what I consider to be an epic keynote for the first virtual conference of the PARO Center for Women’s Enterprise. The stage was set, Executive Director Rosalind Lockyer’s introduction was great, I started strong, split my screen and then Zoom crashed. I still don’t know what happened other than that change … Read more

Magnify your virtual presentations

Keep it focused: If ever there was a place for concise focus and clear messaging, this is it. As a virtual presenter, you fight against a format that invites distractions. Don’t give your audience an additional reason to switch off, such as B. Taking your time to get to your points. Organize your presentation with … Read more