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Unity 3D Game Development: Pros and Cons

In this article, I will aim to cover all the pros and cons of developing with Unity3D. I figured the best way to achieve this would be to seek expert advice on the subject, so I enlisted the help of two experienced mobile game developers who also have extensive knowledge of the video game market. …

5 top tips to avoid false claims from app developers

There is no shortage of talent in the app development industry. It seems that everyone is looking for ways to earn a lot through job applications. If you have an idea that can create market demand, this can be the next super hit application that will make you money. The best option for building an …

What should you know about testing embedded software?

There are a variety of tools available solely for embedded software testing purposes. These tools, if used for a few hours, can be very successful in achieving the expected results, i.e. the purpose for which the software application was created. However, there is one thing that the people conducting the software test should know in …

Essential Moodle plugins that will work wonders for your organization

Moodle is an incredible learning management system that enables educational organizations to manage their training programs and other course modules in a highly efficient way. This open source software has gained great popularity and is now the top choice of the corporate world. With over 68 million users and 55,000+ websites powered by this platform, …