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learning programs

About the Pimsleur Japanese Language Learning Program

While Rosetta Stone’s Japanese language learning system is the best-selling language software program, the Pimsleur language system is one of the longest-selling systems. Pimsleur and Rosetta Stone share some common elements, but Pimleur also contains elements that seem to contradict their competitor’s system, at least in theory. Both Pimsleur and Rosetta Stone take a scholarly …

Learning To Speak Spanish Online With The Net’s Most Popular Programs

As a native Spanish teacher, I will talk about learning Spanish online using the most popular programs on the Internet. I will review 3 programs. Much of this article is based on my personal experience. But it is also based on my students’ personal experiences and the Spanish Learning Newsletter. 1. Learn Spanish Like Crazy …

A Comparison of French Learning Programs

Many people make the decision to learn a new language every year. Some make it happen, while others let their goal fall by the wayside in favor of the next interesting idea. If you’re in the second group, stop making plans to learn a new language and just do it. It is not that difficult …