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distancing learning

We Need Assertiveness to Deliver Exceptional Customer Service

Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) exist in every industry, company and profession. Some are lawyers, some are advertisers, some are editors, and some work in call centers. What they have in common is the need to manage their internal and external “customers” with exceptional customer service. The traditional customer is the outsider who buys a product …

Stay Connected in a Long Distance Relationship

Long distance relationships can be filled with challenges that couples across the block from each other never face. On the other hand, the creative ways you find to stay connected while living apart will increase your creativity when living together. It’s incredibly easy to take another person for granted. You assume they will always be …

I Want My Ex Back, But He’s Distancing Himself From Me

So you just went through a breakup and now you’re spending your time trying to figure out ways to get him back. Are you being kept awake at night trying to find answers to that question that is bugging you all the time: “What can I do to get my ex boyfriend back?” Look no …

Long-Distance Cross-Culture Relationship Advice

Lindsey and Juo met while Lindsey was studying abroad at Ewah Woman’s University in Seoul, South Korea in 2015. She was there to study for a full year when Juo messaged her on Instagram out of nowhere. Lindsey was hesitant at first but decided it would be a great opportunity to make a boyfriend in …

Long Distance Relationship Statistics – Can An LDR Really Work?

So your partner is traveling to another country or city? Are you skeptical about long distance relationships? Are you considering ending the relationship because you are worried that your relationship might not last? What if I told you that there are long-distance relationship statistics that say this type of romance can last? It is not …