Colleges Degrees For Working Parents – Tips For Balancing Your Work, Home, and School Life

Time never seems to be on your side! You can hardly take time to do all the extras after taking care of the kids. You don’t know where time is going and now you have to think about going back to school or finishing your studies.

Finances are an issue, now adding a tuition check to the budget for each month doesn’t seem like an option. How are you? The US Census Bureau reports that about 20% of American families are single-parent households, and in most cases the breadwinner is a mother. Additionally, 95% of single parents make less than $75,000 per year. Going back to school without financial support is therefore not an option for many.

The US Department of Labor reports that most working mothers have full-time jobs. When they get home, they spend another 10 hours cooking, cleaning, running errands, carpooling, playing with the kids, washing, and doing laundry, among their other chores.

Good news for working parents! There are many programs available for working moms and dads to help with their financial efforts to get back to school. Accredited distance learning universities offer flexible learning opportunities for working parents. Financial resources are also available specifically for this group of parents. There are many state and private programs that have funding for working mothers and single parents.

The first step is to figure out what you want to go back to school for. Then, find out about the prospective college’s available financial opportunities. You can get this information from the study grants office of the university. A thorough internet search will bring you different results. Also, it is always a good recommendation to go to the local library and browse through the annual grant books. However, there is one thing you should not forget: pay attention to the deadlines and make sure that you submit your application on time. Also determine the application documents to be submitted, such as letters of recommendation or essays, and prepare them in good time. Also, be sure to apply for the right scholarships. Some are quite specific in their criteria. For example, some scholarships are only available to students in specific fields, such as engineering or science.

The next step has to do with time management. With all of your responsibilities, adding classes to your list can sound pretty daunting. Develop a routine and stick to it. Keep your family in mind too. For example, make sure the children’s bedtimes are well scheduled so you can study without interruptions after you put them to bed. You can also prepare lunch the night before to save time in the morning. Delegate responsibilities to family so you don’t have to try to do everything on your own. This will make you feel less stressed and allow you to focus more on your schoolwork. Keeping a daily planner and using it regularly can also help you get a handle on your activities at home, in class, and at work without feeling jittery.

To be successful in class, you can use several strategies throughout the semester. For each of your courses, read the syllabus carefully and ask your instructor to clarify what is expected of you during the semester. Next, jot down the deadlines, milestones, due dates, and exam dates and add them to your calendar.

Don’t wait until the last minute to start working on your big class project or homework. Creating self-limits is a good strategy to get this started. Make sure you prioritize your chores and your work or home activities so nothing gets pushed back. Calm down and don’t be afraid to ask for help. It’s also very important to be confident and tell yourself you can do it.

Thanks to Sophia Peters | #Colleges #Degrees #Working #Parents #Tips #Balancing #Work #Home #School #Life

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